SHSSP22 TA Blog – Week 3
SHSSP22 is in full swing! Week 3 (31 January 2022 – 6 February 2022) was off to a great start with former NASA astronaut, Dr. Jeffrey Hoffman teaching the fundamentals of astrodynamics in the Orbital Mechanics seminar. Participants also gained insight into the Economics Rationales of Space Programs by Dr. Walter Peeters, who is involved […]
SHSSP22 TA Blog – Week 2
The space roller coaster of SHSSP 2022 program entered Week 2 with a bang!!!! The participants were divided into two groups, namely Australian and European time zone group, in the first week, with each group attending dedicated lectures, workshops and group events throughout the week. Day 1 of week 2 started with food for thought […]
SHSSP22 TA Blog – Week 5
Welcome to week 5 a.k.a the last and final week of SHSSP22. The past 4 weeks have been filled with a rollercoaster of emotions and the participants are ready for one last push with their Team Project (TP). The last week of the program is usually an intense TP week and participants are hustling with […]
SHSSP22 TA Blog – Week 4
Welcome, welcome to the 4th week of SHSSP22! One of the most important weeks of the whole program! This week is also known as a transition week from the core lectures to putting that little extra effort into the Team Project “week”. So much has happened in these last few days, from 7 February to […]
ISU’s statement of solidarity with Ukraine
The International Space University is an institution dedicated to international collaboration and to the open and scholarly pursuit of the peaceful exploration and development of space. Our institution is deeply committed to peace and unequivocally condemns any form of violence that may undermine the integrity of individuals. The current international situation is extremely worrying and […]
Prospective Participants from close to 60 countries discover ISU during a virtual open day
An ISU virtual open day running round the clock and across all time zones attracted potential students and participants from close to 60 countries! Dr. Bertrand Goldman, research facilitator at the International Space University’s (ISU) and organizer of “Discover ISU!” comments: “We completed three sessions of Discover ISU! on 19th February 2022, welcoming prospective students […]
ISU alumnus Dr. Valanathan Munsami appointed new ISU chancellor
The International Space University is pleased to announce that Dr. Valanathan Munsami will be its new honorary Chancellor, with a three-year mandate. The ISU Chancellor is an honorary representative of the university, participates in convocations, delivers special lectures, and provides advice to the President as required. Chairman of the ISU Board, Dr. Christian Sallaberger stated: […]
ISU faculty tests new concept for MSS Internships
Increasingly employers expect freshly graduated students to have internship experience so that they come to their first job out of school ready to hit the ground running! We know that getting one can be tough, especially during those post-COVID and geopolitical unrested times. Therefore, the International Space University (ISU), under the initiative of ISU Prof. […]
Women in STEM – ISU breaks the bias
On 8th March – International Women’s Day – we celebrate women from across the world, with a special thought for women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). We are convinced that contributions that women make as decision-makers, innovators and stakeholders across the STEM sector will result in better solutions to development […]
Take part in an 8-Day Space Architecture Workshop at ISU
The International Space University (ISU) and the European Center for Space Exploration and Colonization (ECSEC) are launching an 8-day architecture workshop taking place from 25 April to 4 May 2022 at ISU’s central campus. Given the incredible worldwide success of the online Space Architecture & Design course on the School of Disruption, the European Center […]