Partner organizations

The ISU Incubator, based in Strasbourg, France, supports a wide range of approaches and draws on multidisciplinary expertise in research and development, business, and finance. The incubator collaborates with various stakeholders at regional, national, and global levels. It is deeply involved in the French space ecosystem, working closely with CNES, start-ups, and research centers. CNES oversees several start-up initiatives alongside ISU.

Moreover, the ISU Incubator receives support from the Eurometropole de Strasbourg, an economic alliance that combines the resources of several cities in the Strasbourg metropolitan region. One of its recent objectives is to establish a local space ecosystem, which explains the Eurometropole’s keen interest in supporting ISU in expanding its incubator activities. The ISU Incubator is also linked to SEMIA, an incubator founded by the University of Strasbourg that has achieved numerous successes. 

The ISU Incubator is also part of the ESA-BIC network, which enhances its international reach. ISU is affiliated with BIC-SUD and allows start-ups in the field of ESA activities or utilizing space data to receive financial support and further development opportunities within the ESA framework. ISU is also a member of the program developed by CNES: TechTheMoon. This national program supports projects whose technology, service or product can be applied to lunar exploration. For further information, please visit the website:

You can find more information about the current partners by clicking on their respective logos below. Besides the local support, a number of national recent initiatives can help you, as space is a national priority (see France 2030) combined with support of several Innovation initiatives (such as the CIR (Credit Impot Recherche) and the JEI (Jeune Entreprise Innovante).

ISU is part of the French Tech Est network and is actively contributing to the growth of the innovation ecosystem in the Grand Est region. This partnership with French Tech offers administrative assistance, including helping startups obtain VISAs and providing access to specialized services. French Tech also hosts events that are extremely advantageous for startups, and ISU is excited to be a part of this network, especially for the benefit of our incubatees. The incubator is also a member of the Aériades network, which brings together players in the aerospace industry in the Grand Est region. Aériades enables companies and institutions to meet, exchange ideas and organize events together, to help raise the profile of the sector and its innovations.

Through its networks in Europe, ISU aims also to attract participants from France and neighboring countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Belgium.

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