How can space help tackle the oceans’ plastic pollution?

Just two days after the world Mother Ocean Day, a team of International Space University students present their findings and recommendations to the world community on how space technologies can help tackle the challenge of plastic pollution in the oceans, with a case study on the Arctic Ocean. What makes our planet incredibly unique is […]

ISU welcomes New Alumni from ESC for the Asia Pacific Region

The first International Space University Executive Space Course in the Asia Pacific region was attended by 12 professionals from agencies, research institutions, and industry executives from Australia and South Africa.  The program was co-developed with New Zealand based SpaceBase, co-founded by two ISU alumni, Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom and Eric Dahlstrom.  The course was opened by the […]

First ISU multi-site Space Studies Program in Granada, Strasbourg and online!

This year’s Space Studies Program of the International Space University (SSP21) is gathering 110 participants representing 35 nationalities and bringing a variety of backgrounds in science, engineering, humanities and social sciences. On 28th June, speaking from the University of Granada’s historic Hospital Real to guests onsite, in Strasbourg and online during the Opening, SSP Program […]

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