Ms. Danijela Stupar
Research Associate (Serbia/French)
Geodetic engineer and future Ph.D researcher in space innovation for future extraterrestrial settlements. Prior to this, Danijela worked at Republic Geodetic Authority of Serbia, maintaining the cadaster land management. She was attached to research and construction of railway and roadway in France. Familiar with ISU since 2012 when she was a Master student and thereupon Teaching Associate. Currently is working as a Lecturer of remote sensing, focusing on GNSS application. Research interest in Earth’s civil engineering technologies applied onto extraterrestrial construction process.
Publications Include
[1] D.I. Stupar, A. Kos, M. Vulić, Observation of extensive mass movements in the Lipica II quarry with EL beam displacement sensor, Acta Geotech. Slov. 17 (2020).
[2] D. Ignjatović Stupar, J. Rošer, M. Vulić, Investigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-Based Photogrammetry for Large Mine Subsidence Monitoring, Minerals. 10 (2020) 196. https://doi.org/10.3390/min10020196.
[3] T. Chen, D.I. Stupar, C. Welch, H. Yao, Z. Hu, Gaussian-process-regression-based periodical variation analysis of the lunar surface temperature with the ESA-Dresden radio telescope, Adv. Sp. Res. 65 (2020) 2912–2925. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2020.03.012.
[4] X. Zhang, D. Ignjatović Stupar, The Primary Locations and Settlement Strategies of Interest for Future Lunar Bases, in: 70 Th Int. Astronaut. Congr. 2019, International Astronautical Federation, Washington D.C., 2019.
[5] S. Ritter, C. Bauer, J. Bausmayer, O. Cohen, A. Diggewadi, K. Harris, A. Kaluthantrige, M. Lipinska, C. Liu, L. Mao, P.M. Claros, C. Nassey, L. van Noetsele, F.S. Dashtgol, A. Townsend, S. Vivenzio, J.W. Hirschberg, X. Xu, F. Zecca, A.C.B.G. ̃no, D.I. Stupar, V. Damann, INCORPORATING SUSTAINABILITY INTO RATIONALES FOR LUNAR SETTLEMENT: ADDRESSING GLOBAL CHALLENGES THROUGH LUNAR SUSTAINABILITY GOALS, in: 70 Th Int. Astronaut. Congr. 2019, International Astronautical Federation, Washington D.C., 2019.
[6] S. Ritter, C. Bauer, J. Bausmayer, O. Cohen, A. Diggewadi, K. Harris, A. Kaluthantrige, M. Lipinska, C. Liu, L. Mao, P.M. Claros, C. Nassey, L. van Noetsele, F.S. Dashtgol, A. Townsend, S. Vivenzio, J.W. Hirschberg, X. Xu, F. Zecca, A.C.B. Garduño, D.I. Stupar, V. Damann, Incorporating Sustainability into Planned Lunar Missions: Building Blocks for Lunar Settlement through Lunar Sustainability Goals, AD ASTRA – IAC Spec. Issue – 2019. (2019) 57–71.
[7] D. Rotko, D. Ignjatović Stupar, Carbon sequestering using remote sensing, in: C.M.U. Neale, A. Maltese (Eds.), Remote Sens. Agric. Ecosyst. Hydrol. XXI, SPIE, 2019: pp. 386–405. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2532925.
[8] D.I. Stupar, J. Rošer, M. Vulić, Statistical Analysis of Mine Subsidence Monitoring Using Different Methods, in: 7th Int. Symp. Min. Environ. Prot., University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Vrdnik, Serbia, 2019: pp. 1–8.
[9] D. Ignjatović Stupar, V. Ogrizović, Using Single Frequency Receivers for Future Cubesat GPS-RO Missions, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Civil Engineering Subotica, Serbia, Subotica, Serbia, 2018. https://doi.org/10.14415/konferencijaGFS2018.069.
[10] L. Huang, D. Ignjatović Stupar, Lunar Navigation System Design, in: IAF (Ed.), Glob. Sp. Explor. Conf. (GLEX 2017), Beijing, China, 2017.
[11] H.A. Hussein, D. Ignjatović Stupar, AI Optimized Robotic Design for the Architectural Construction of a Lunar Habitat, in: Proc. 68th Int. Astronaut. Congr., IAF, Australia, 2017.
[12] D. Ignjatović Stupar, V. Ogrizović, R. Pradal, E-merge Network – An Interactive Environment for Alerting about the Emergency Situations, in: Living Planet Symp., ESA, Prague, Chech Republic, 2016.
[13] V. Ogrizović, D. Ignjatović Stupar, Z. Mišković, J. Kolašinac, Testing the Accuracy of Large-Scale GNSS-R Applications, in: FIG Work. Week 2015 From Wisdom Ages to Challenges Mod. World, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2015: pp. 1–14. http://fig.net/resources/proceedings/fig_proceedings/fig2015/papers/ts01g/TS01G_vukan_danijela_et_al_7595.pdf.
[14] D. Ignjatović Stupar, K. Inamdar, A. Lee, C. Hau, Geodetics Measurements within the Scope of Current and Future Perspectives of GNSS-Reflectometry and GNSS-Radio Occultation, in: FIG Work. Week 2015 From Wisdom Ages to Challenges Mod. World, FIG, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2015: pp. 1–15.
[15] J. Burke, B. Detsis, D. Ignjatović Stupar, A. Verrecchia, Precursor Activities for the Lunar Parts of the Global Exploration Roadmap, in: ASTech Int. Conf. Sp. Explor., 2014: pp. 1–11.
[16] A.L.C. Hau, G. Zhang, D.I. Stupar, Effective knowledge management for future space exploration to Moon, in: Proc. Int. Astronaut. Congr. IAC, 2014: pp. 1–6.
[17] J. Burke, M. Bujar, A. Nohel, S. Pallikonda, D. Ignjatović Stupar, Architectural concepts for a lunar campus of the international space university, in: Proc. Int. Astronaut. Congr. IAC, IAF, Beijing, China, 2013.
[18] J. Burke, S.B. (Bill) Hamm, S. Pallikonda, A. Nohel, D. Ignjatović Stupar, M. Bujar, Tele-Reach to the Lunar Surface: Advance Network Demonstrations for ISU’s Third Development Stage, in: ISU 17th Annu. Symp. Technol. Tele-Reach, International Space University, France, Strasbourg, France, 2013: pp. 1–12.
[19] D. Ignjatović Stupar, V. Ogrizović, Challenges for GNSS-Reflectometry in the Arctic, in: Proc. 64th Int. Astronaut. Congr. IAC, International Astronautical Federation, Beijing, China, 2013: pp. 1–5.
[20] D. Ignjatović Stupar, Processing the GPS reflected signals for wind speed estimation during the GEOHALO mission, Geonauka. 1 (2013) 24–35. https://doi.org/10.14438/gn.2013.10.
[21] C. Belle, Vibha, A.D. Perez, A. Lee, A. Kapoglou, A. Geens, D. Ignjatović Stupar, D. Sulitzer, E. Franks, G. Kotsopoulos, G. Ressler, G. Zhang, J. Harpur, L. Idziak, M. Bujar, M. Pellegrino, M. Moullec, N. Marwaha, P. Doherty, P. Keane, S. Yim, S. La Torre, T. Cartwright, T. Guo, Y. Eshete, The brain for an integrated arctic network (BRIAN): Enhancing situational awareness in the arctic, in: Proc. Int. Astronaut. Congr. IAC, IAF, Beijing, China, 2013.